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For Companies and Those Who Manage Others

You want to reward your high potential people with more opportunities to lead.  You'd like them to be better coaches, better problem-solvers, better communicators.  You want self-empowered, creative, well-balanced listeners to effectively spread the word about your firm. That way, you can attract and retain more of the "right" kind of talent, and secure and serve the best clients. Or perhaps you have some key player who excels in most areas but you want  to see improvement in another specific skill or mindset.  You know what you want from your people.

BUT ... you don't have a lot of time or resources right now to invest in them. What to do? Nominate one or more of your staff to join AMT Group’s Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics. These clinics can help get your people closer to where you want them to be. To set and achieve higher goals. To fulfill their potential with your firm.

Didn’t do an MBA or EMBA?  Or have you graduated but now face real dilemmas not covered in your program?  Or…You are up for promotion or even a potential partnership or election to a Board? Maybe someone mentioned that you need to “learn how to manage in all directions.”  Are you baffled by some behaviors (clients, colleagues, senior management)?  You want to excel in your position and position yourself for your next career move, which could either be with your current firm or another. And above all, perhaps, you want more energy to take you to that next level.

BUT ... you’re  time pressed to get all your high-priority objectives done as it is, and you don’t know where to turn.  

Wouldn’t you like  to solve some of these real-world problems, and others, and with greater confidence?  If so, then Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics are made for you.

For Individuals

The Game
Has Started,
and It's
Speeding Up

In this stress-filled, ever-changing world it’s hard to keep up and harder to imagine adding one more item to your plate.  But what if that “one more thing” helped you to be more effective and efficient with everything else?  What if, for each enjoyable hour and dollar invested, you could receive a high ROI in smoother work relationships, better time management, and better performance on the job? Talk about a win-win!  You win because it’s fun and functional.  Your current and future colleagues win because you’ll be a better leader.

Here's how the Clinics work:  Small groups (6 max) meet on-line with me and my special guest-hosts (all leaders in their fields)  to address and resolve issues, improve leadership communication, and participate in executive conversations that cut through the chatter to solve both your  issues of today and prepare you  for the challenges of tomorrow.


From our clinics you'll receive:

Live interactive sessions based on the

Get a G.R.I.P. (Global Readiness® Improvement Plan) Series

  • One-to-one Coaching (Major League coaching is “fish-bowl” style: one player receives coaching while others observe and comment; All-Star and Hall-of-Fame players receive private one-on-one coaching sessions)​

  • Access to password-protected shared files of curated readings and learning videos​​

  • Exclusive access to recorded Clinics (All-Star and Hall-of-Fame players can access their private coaching sessions and the recorded portions of their Clinics for a full year ; Major League players can access the recorded portions of their Clinics for 6 months after each clinic.

  • Live, immediate feedback on their leadership communication and other specifically requested performance areas

  • Networking with like-minded high potentials and/or  my special guest-hosts

  • Increased motivation and accountability

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The Get a G.R.I.P. Series

The Get a G.R.I.P. series guides readers to create better "Global Readiness Improvement Plans," based on the programs created by AMT Group for their clients. Read and apply the concepts in these books for greater Global Readiness!

See the whole series on Amazon Japan / U.S.


There are three levels, all of which require a form of nomination: Hall-of-Fame, All-Star, and Major League players.


1)  Hall-of-Fame and 2) All-Star players need to be nominated (preferably by your boss). Successful nominees will then be invited to join a small group if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

a. Already an AMT Group corporate client

b. Andrew’s former "A" students from Temple University Japan (EMBA or MiM), Hitotsubashi University (EMBA or MBA), Keio University Global Passport Program

c. Nominated by a senior manager from a non-AMT Group client who provides me with the nominee's specific objectives.

3) Major League players can self-nominate or be nominated by their supervisor.


Weekly Clinics: ​​​

  • Day/Time

    • Wednesdays 9:30 - 11:00 AM Japan Standard Time (JST)

    • Tuesdays 4:30 - 6:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (PDT)

    • Tuesdays 7:30 – 9:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT)


Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics follow a “90-minute inning” format.


Each 90 minute Clinic is divided into the top and bottom half of an inning, with a strategic “stretch” between the halves, and a “walk off” victory at the end.   


TOP of the Inning:  After an Express Review of the previous session, we’ll introduce one main topic from the Get a G.R.I.P. Series. The first topic will be chosen by the Head Coach (Andrew)  based on  pre-clinic surveys of players and, if applicable, the players’ supervisors.  Then Andrew or a Player will deliver a 5 - 7 minute presentation, followed by 15 minutes of observations, feedback, and questions from Andrew, his guest-host if present, and other Players. Open discussion.


MID-INNING Stretch:  10 minutes stress-relieving, focus-enhancing, energy exercise based on Andrew’s book Get a G.R.I.P. on Creativity. You’ll learn and practice the time-tested principles and reap the healing power of Qigong (cultivation of energy).  These 10-minute exercises lead to better performance both on and off the job.


BOTTOM of the Inning (30 min):  Small group dialogues digging deeper into the session’s topic or another topic that a Player introduces. 


“SAYONARA/WALK-OFF”:  Three key take-aways for personal  “To Enjoy Lists” that Players create and keep throughout their sessions and to focus on the upcoming week.


3-level subscription-based game plan. Choose the level that suits you, the player, or your organization best: 


Hall-of-Fame: For single company nominated and supported players only.  Up to 2 private/semi-private 90-minute Clinics per month.  Players also receive unlimited 50-minute one-on-one private coaching sessions and full access to recorded portions of clinics. Monthly plan: USD 1,490 or JPY 199,000 per month for 1 player; USD 3,300 or JPY 429,000 for 2 players. Written quarterly feedback for players’ supervisor(s). Minimum 3 months. Stop anytime.


All-Star: For multiple company nominated and supported players. Up to 2 90-minute Group Clinics per month (max 6  players per Clinic), plus 2 private 50-minute coaching sessions per month. Access to recorded clinics.  Monthly plan: USD 990 or  JPY 135,000 per month per player. Invest quarterly prior to the first session of the  month; stop any time. Written quarterly feedback for players’ supervisor(s) upon request.


Major League: For individual players paying their own way:  2 90-minute Group Clinics per month. USD 397/JPY JPY 50,000  per month. Access to recorded portions of clinics.  If you miss a session with 24+ hours notice, you will receive credit for a future clinic. Invest monthly prior to the first clinic; stop any time. 

Who We Are

These Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics are facilitated by Advanced Management Training Group’s President and Chief Enthusiast Andrew Silberman, along with guest-host leaders like  (Chris Colucci, Dan Nestle, Paul DuPuis, April Hill, Diane Jean Reyes….). 


Andrew has been “Developing Global Thinkers” with AMT Group since 1992 and has coached thousands of individuals and hundreds of companies across all sizes and most industries.  With him as your  “Head Coach” of the Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics, you’ll reap the benefits that Andrew has  given major firms, but at less cost.

Why Clinic

Andrew recently relocated to San Diego to be close to his sons (one at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and the other Torrey Pines High School). When he first arrived, he found out about tennis clinics being offered at a near-by recreation center. These group sessions of maximum 6 players cost a fraction of private lessons. One of Andrew’s friends, David R., asked, “Why would you go to a clinic? You already know how to play tennis. Didn’t you used to coach tennis in Japan?” As a matter of fact, Andrew did just that, way back in the early 1990s. But here’s the truth about his recent tennis, in his own words:

"I co-founded the “Never Nervous Tennis Club” in Tokyo 3 years ago, less than a year after re-starting the sport I’d quit 25 years prior. With this new and  great group of players (most had D-1college playing experience, some ranked even today in their age category), it took me a few weeks to even win the occasional doubles match. The decades off may have been part of the reason, but these guys and gals were (and are!) really good.


"By the time I left Tokyo in May of 2022, I was winning and losing about evenly. (At least that’s what my ego and fading memory tells me. I was probably still losing 70% of my matches.) When I found the Recreation Center and joined (over Dave’s bewilderment), it was my first experience in a clinic as an adult.


"Now whether or not you play tennis, it’ll be good for you to learn how the clinic worked (and still works), because it’s tied directly to my reason for offering these Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics."

Up to six people get on a court with a professional coach. The coach sets up a game-simulated doubles drill where you play point after point after point. From mid court on one side, the coach delivers the ball to one of two players on the opposite baseline. Those two battle two net players on the coach’s side. If you cause your side to lose the point, you’re sent off and do a footwork drill while the other players stay on. If you win the point from the baseline side, you get to join the net side, along with the coach. If you win on the net side, you stay put. 


This goes on for several minutes, until a full shopping cart full of tennis balls have been played. Then the players pick up the balls and assemble for the coach’s feedback. (He’s also giving mini-feedback along the way.) During the break, the coach shares his general observations, any oft-repeated mistakes, demonstrates a better approach, etc.


After just six clinics with Coach Nick, I went back to Japan and joined a Saturday “Never Nervous” tennis day.   Let’s just say my clubmates had no choice but to be impressed: I held every service game that I served, and won every doubles match I played. That confirmed what I already knew by joining the Rec Center: Clinics work!


And I’m convinced they can work for business professionals. Why? We bring the same spirit and a similar form to our Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics, designed to challenge and build leadership skills. Ninety minutes of constant “play.” Topics, like points, are “served up,” then the points are “played out” and players get feedback. Improvement is practically guaranteed.


Tennis only has 3 main things to do: serve, ground strokes, volleys).  Similarly, leaders communicate with only 3 tools, the “3 Vs”: Verbal (the words you say), Vocal (the sounds you make or don’t make with your voice), and Visual (how you look, or what your audience sees). Yes, there are subsets of the 3 main things in both arenas, but as a manager you’re judged by how well you master the content and delivery of your messages. As someone once said, “You’re sentenced by your sentences.” But how often do you or those you manage get to practice and get feedback? How can we expect improvement without knowing how our current approach is landing? And what about when we get promoted to the next level?


Global Readiness® Leadership Clinics bring something else from the sports field: Video recording. Since our sessions are online over Zoom, participants will have a chance to review how they performed in the session. By getting feedback and confirming the feedback’s accuracy, watching and listening to themselves, players can and will improve their performance in work meetings and presentations. All this to say: Clinics work. And when they’re fun, they work even better. Many people invest more in their hobbies than they do to improve their work. But which investment will pay off better? 

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©2023 by AMT Group

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